Civil Military Cooperation
Enhancing Combat Trauma System and Disaster Medical Management Capacities
tel. +39 0823 301653
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Poster Session


Capt Alberto Lai MD, Lt Fabio RISPOLI MD, LTC Romano Tripodi MD, MG Gabriele Lupini MD - Military Corps of the Italian Red Cross
Aeromedical Evacuation: indications and controindications



COL Alexander Parashkevov, MD; COL Rostislav Kostadinov, MD - Military Medical Academy, Sofia - Military Medical Detachment for Emergency Responce
Bulgarian Surgical Team in Haiti – Lessons Learned



S. Pauciulo MD, Lt Fabio RISPOLI MD, Romano Tripodi MD, Gabriele Lupini MD - Military Corps of the Italian Red Cross
Recent employment in the Afghan operative theatre of a Military Corps C.R.I. medical officer



COl Rostislav Kostadinov, MD, PhD; COl Wynand Korterink, MD; COL Zoltan Vekerdi, MD
Civil-Military Medical Information Exchange in NATO - objective and challenges



COL Maurizio Pisapia MD -
Complex injuries of lower limbs: Essential therapeutic approach on the field



Dr Domenico Nardiello, Dr Enrico Girmenia, Dr Lucia Nardiello, Prof Giorgio Caviglia
Psychosocial Aspects in Disaster Set: Indifference and Solidarity


Capt Dancho Dilkov, MD; LTC Toni Donchev, MD, PhD, COL Rostislav Kostadinov, MD, PhD - Military Medical Academy, Sofia - Department Psychiatry
The STAI an instrument in missions’ abroad preparation



Lt Fabio RISPOLI MD, Gabriele Lupini MD, Capt Alberto Lai MD, Lt Fabio RISPOLI MD, (Military Corps of the Italian Red Cross), Dr O. Piazza (Università degli Studi di Salerno, Cattedra di Anestesiologia e Rianimazione)
The collaboration between the Military Corps of the Italian Red Cross and the University of Salerno for the training of medical students



Lt Fabio RISPOLI MD, Romano Tripodi MD, (Military Corps of the Italian Red Cross) - Capt Giovanni Passaro MD, LTC Lorenzo Spirito MD (Italian Carabinieri Corps)
The training to health aid: operating synergies between the Military Corps of the Italian Red Cross and the Carabinieri



Dr Tatiana Josu, MD
The surgeons’ training for Disaster Medical Management – Moldavian experience



G. Fini MD PhD, L. Ponzo MD, P. Virciglio MD Or3, C.M.P. Scannavino MS, F. Ricotta MD (Maxillo-Facial Surgery - Nesmos Department, School of Medicine and Psychology  "La Sapienza” University, Rome, Italy)
Emergency Treatment in Fronto Orbito Zygomatic Trauma



Dr Giuseppe Morelli MD - S. Filippo Hospital, Rome & “Medical Emergency Training Team” Italian Army & Veterinary Corps School, Rome, Italy
Sieve Field Triage - Using medical devices to reduce mortality in TCCC



Dr Gabriele Pitingolo, Dr Antonio Mancini, Dr Andrea Vitale, Dr Daniele Di Napoli, Dr Sigismondo Castaldo, Dr Adele Bracco, Dr Chiara Attanasio, Dr Barbara Andria, Dr Maria Luisa Tamma, Dr Santolo Cozzolino - Centre of Biotechnologies, A.O.R.N. "A. Cardarelli", Naples, Italy
Biotechnologies Applied to Traumatic Injuries Treatment: State of the Art



LTC Domenico Alberti MD, LTC Giuseppe Schinelli MD, LTC Antonio Scoyni MD, LTC Giorgio Romani MD, LTC Antonio La Raia - "Celio" Military General Hospital, Rome, Italy Sensorineural Department - Ophthalmological Ward
Ocular Consideration in Disaster Relief



LTC Domenico Alberti MD, LTC Giuseppe Schinelli MD, LTC Antonio Scoyni MD, LTC Giorgio Romani MD, LTC Antonio La Raia - "Celio" Military General Hospital, Rome, Italy Sensorineural Department - Ophthalmological Ward
Operazione “Antica Babilonia” Un interessante caso clinico di Oftalmomiasi